Only, you don`t have to pay for anything, and theres only one thing to buy...Scripts.
The only thing I ask is that you make me one of the voices, and credit me as Writer/Voice
There are 1 thing(s) in stock right now.
1.That Guy, a story about a teen who gets tanggled up in three relationships,with 3 different endings.
2.*Name pending* 4 assasssins go to kill some guys...I think... (Greatwh1teshark)
I'll keep you updated when later scripts are in stock.
Thank you, come again.
Whoooo I got an alt.
Its my username + "alt" at the end...
Apperently, I've been recruiting members in my sleep! So if you want to purchase an item from a certain author I've put there username in parenthese.
Cool shop idea, I had the same idea myself, but you posted it first, hey maybe you want a patner, I can write scripts too and sell them at your shop.
sure just gimme the name of your script and a brief description...