M&L RPG wuz easy...I'm already done...'cept for those damn Blitty's WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU!?!?!?!?!
Anyways, I'm glad the shop is expanding...And I grow weary of having to make updates on the shop, so if your a member (You know who you are) just ask and I'll give you the Password, so when ever you have something you don't have to give it to me, then ask 2000000000 times for me to update it, I just ask that you keep it as it is now...like keep the genres in order, please when you submit something put it in "Genre" under your name AND in the most recent...just press "enter" to make everything go down one...you may be asking why there technically "upsidedown"...its because its most recent idiot. Well Its 4:30am and I can't sleep...Guess I'll go watch a movie...Before I go...any animators looking for work should check the script shop...and to the member please put this in the forums at least once...(It'll make it look like the shop is famous...can't wait to be in a flash.....*Sigh*
Yes, another spoony expirement pic. I've just been watching SOOOOOO many of his vids...
wow... uh... okay! i see that u changed ur blurb... :P
you don't count! >:( jk you win! You now get a billion dollars and infinity boyfriends! YAYZ! (Geez, I'm gonna have to get a bigger piece of paper...)