I'm contractably obligated to make another post or Chuck Norris will break another bone in my body...Well,I'm still board as hell on this end...except for one thing...JAKE GOT HIS MIC. PRIVLAGES BACK! Welcome back to dorm 328 bud. Well, I'm happy about that.....I've also tranfered into a new school, I got into the "Drama" program...if it can even be called that...My teacher looks like she always has a hangover, and the rest of the students are practically braidead zombies...Guess I won't find out what is to be or not to be...oh well.
Listen up everybody cause I'm having a competition, just tell me,What would you do for a Klondike bar?
I'm just curious of what you people can come up with...
I've gathered the plot and the sub-plot in my head, and am starting to put the pieces together, its just a matter of time before I get a couple of hours to sit down and write, my Ipods been fucking up on me so....well, I don't know...
Well, there hasen't been much "Big news" travelling around the portal...happy post-madness day I guess, or...mad madness day...however you celebrate it...
Please leave the catchiest song you can think of below...I've got one stuck in my head and it doesnt wanna come out...Well, thats all for now, remember, go to the shop,Spoony rocks and...I'm probably gonna go ape shit if I'm not in a flash soon. BTW:Please don't put me in one unless I've actually done work for it...
oh,.... q song?
Go to youtube, and type in "Your gonna go far kid"
and then click a video.... that says it.... the song is by the offspring...
awesome song... XD
k.... ya... >.>
Catchy song...