Well, to start, I think I've met my "Writing other" yeah. Me and LordArashi888 can write for hours and I will still be fun as hell. We wrote SOOOOO much last night. (I estimate 6 episodes) But only episode 1 is really ready...I have to tidy everything up first, and stuff...so, episode one is done...and BTW the episodes are all going to have names...So, yeah. This was really just a post to say, writing with him kicks ass, and episode 1 is ready for delivery, also I have a message for the following people: Sorrygirl99, Zookyman2 & Maxas go here: http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/lor darashi888/character-sheet-2 to see your FF self...(If you haven't already. Also, the relationships of FF. AND I SWEAR TO GOD SAM, I DON'T FREAKING PLAN THIS...IT JUST HAPPENS... Zeek's trying to pick up Max (and failing at it) And Joseph saved Sam's life, and she wants to repay him... (With pleanty of massages!...And for all you pervs. out there...no, there's no "Happy ending")
none of my friends like to write :( i still write anyway though.