Anyways, its finally here, after my long wait, Higurashi Daybreak is in my, since I have shit all to do on a friday night (Yeah, ha ha!) I'm gonna set you guys up with a Pro's and Con's list of the game, just in case you were planning on getting it. (Not fucking likely)
1. Over 15 Characters.
2. 4 Different costumes. (Includes the costume from the water gun episode!) :D
3. 3 different weapons.
4. Highest amount of pantie shots you'll EVER see. (I recommend using Shion, or Rena for full effect)
5. Catchy music!
6. Pick up and play controls
7. Same voice actors as the show!
8. 10 different locations to fight!
1. Ugh...10 fucking hour loading screens!
2. If you are as unlucky as I am, it'll be completely Japanese, except for the word "Potable" Which is in the title...
3. Urg, un-skippable 10min (Yes, I timed it, 10min 33sec) ending
4. No FUCKING Satoshi!
Also, for everyone who's intrested, video games Re-Vamped takes off!
Our first game is Chrono Trigger, get your part in before they're gone!
Also, lol at my new pic!
Chrono Trigger game? is that the new flash u were talkin about?
I was talking about...ungh...lets just say if you know what Chrono Trigger is, then sign up for one of the chars...