FINE! Here! New post! On the other hand, there are some things to talk about...and some things that are bothering me, now, I'm not going to name names, but you'll know if I'm talking about you. Alright?
First matter of buisness, the script to Season 2 of Final Fantasy Flash. Now, some people have been badgering me, "Wheres the scripts?" "Almost done the scripts?" Well, I assure you, if I have time, I try to sit down and fix them, if not, I'm either, out, doing homework, writing for something else, fixing another script, spending time with my girlfriend, (Which we all know id the most important one on the list) or doing some shit with the family which I'd rather not be doing. Or Drama Club...thats important too.
So, I'll have ot done, when I have it done, so please stop with the messages, my Inbox will thank you. WARNING: Inbox may not literaly thank you, If this does happen, please pull your mouse out off its port, run up and down the street and yell "I'm the lord of the harvest, bring it down! Bring it down!"
Second, My girlfriend, I know most of you are like "Yawn, who gives a shit" so I'll cut this short and sweet, if you wanna see her accout, ask her how she got with such an awesome guy like me (SARCASM) or just say hi, go here: Yes, you might also want to add her to your portal buddies, as she will be in anything I'm in ^^. Or so help me god, I'm outta there.
Now, the most important issue, the new series. (No, the one I talked about in my "Crystal Chalice Productions" news post. Yes, thats not the title, we still don't have one, suggestions would be nice. (As long as its not something stupid like "Cat Tit Bingo." Which, if everything goes well, WILL be animated before Final Fantasy Flash. *GASP*
Now, you must be thinking "OMFG but you said that Final Fanatasy Flash was comin out first" and you can Spam me all you like, but I'm not the one to blame here. You are, well, basically, all the people who didn't get their lines in. I want no excuse, Adam made a post about it, so did I, don't tell me you don't have it, I have records of it being e-mailed to every one of you, I would like to thank Max and Adam for actaully having the lines in, regardless of them being late.
SO! With that out of the way...CASTING CALL!!!!!!!! The Four Main Characters, Adam, Vivian, Joseph and Izzy have been taken, with the exception of Vivian. Forwarded appologize to Max, you have been booted out for the voice of Izzy. Don't take it personally, but, I just think that if I'm going to talk lovey-dovey and romanticlly to someone, I might as well mean it. You can still be Vivian, (Although I pictured Sam doing the voice) or the editor. ^^
Sorry Guys, there really aren't many male voices, the mains being taken by the writers. (We get first dibs!) I would tell you about my new series, but since Adam STILL hasn't been on, I must keep it confidential. Thats about it for now, I'm sure I'm forgetting something, but thats my loss.
Zebra Fuck, Hearts, and all that.
OMG! I forgot about the lines! I am sooo stupid! DX
Dammit! I still have to get them from my moms laptop!
ugh! I can't believe i forgot them! I feel really really really bad now! :(((
Oh! And i'll do any of those voices for Vivan... Izzy... whatever there names are XD
man! I am tired... i actually didn't get home from aruba until 4 am... :3
staying up late!! FTW!
Sooo ya! And also... you're dating a 13 year old? :x
...You can do the lines of Vivian...
And she's turing 14 in Febuary...