View Profile betteratbrawl7777
Elycia! Shes like my own escort of cuteness!

Joseph @betteratbrawl7777

Age 31, Male

Brigadeer General

The Hughes House

Joined on 8/1/08

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betteratbrawl7777's News

Posted by betteratbrawl7777 - November 12th, 2009

Time for my new news link. Its Brentalfloss sing along episode 1!


http://www.screwattack.com/brentalflos s/DrMario

(Don't forget to sing along, as loud as you can!)

I am Dr.Mario and I am saving lives!
I look different in this game,
I lost the hat, got a coat, doctor light, stethascope
I am Dr.Mario and I prescribe high fives, Laughters the best medicine so,
Ha ha ha! You fell down!
In the mushroom kingdom I'm the finest doc. by far!
I got my degree by watching house and scrubs and E.R.
Brightly colored pills, they'll cure all your ills.
Just as long as you've got fever or the chills.
Take off your pants, good now lets see, turn your head and cough (Cough Cough Cough),
O.K. now do me...please?
Does it hurt to pee? (No.)
Is it hard to see? (No.)
I am diagnosing you will H P V! (aww)
You've got Mono Nucleosis, Halitosis, Corniosis, 15 days is my progtosis,
You'll need red and blue pill doses. You've got Scalis, and Flemitis, Chronic Rabies, Hepititis,
You'll be brave and then unite us, then you'll die of Menangitis,
Wait wait!
I'm wrong!
You have!
Brightly colored pills! They'll cure all your ill's!
Just as long as you've got fever, orrrrrrrr theeeeeeeeeee chiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilllllllllll ls!
A-take it floss!
Doc Tor MA! RI! O!

Shoope dop dap scroopy doopy de dop doop, a shoopy doopy dep dop doh. If you get the dreaded swine flu from your cousin Steve, just come see Dr. Mario.
Dr. Mario...
There. Hope you can all get this song stuck in your head! :)

Posted by betteratbrawl7777 - November 11th, 2009

Well, I never thought I'd see the day...the day being tomorrow...I'm gonna be in my first flash...I'm so excited! Woot! It's called the Phone Call, go check out www.Sorrygirl99.newgrounds.com for more info! :) Look for my 1 whole line...hey, its better then nothing.


Also never thought I'd see the day when I got my video camera...I've pretty much got a good group of people, we've got alot planned. Our first project? You may recognise this. It's Fantasy High. Yep, that series you heard so much about way back when. We're acting it. :) Also, look for our other work to come, Including 2 Cosplays!

Thats about it. Thanks for reading.

Posted by betteratbrawl7777 - November 7th, 2009

I watched every single episode of Higurashi Season 1, and as I type this, I'm trying to think how I can express this in words...of how...well, thats it. It was...unspeakable, no words can discribe it, it was just, too good. I wish I could put it in word of how great this is...it physically impossible, it just like...wow, I...just wow, I was speachless after that...If you have spare time, go and watch it, yeah, it's an anime, so what. If you like anime, if you don't like anime if you hate anime's guts and wish that whoever created it would die by Oyashiro's curse, and would have maggot's dripping out of their throught like Rena. Watch it. My god. Watch it. No matter who you are, where you are. Watch this show. My god, there is no better show, and yeah, its an opinion, but seriously, sure, it's not as funny as some shows, its not as like...believable as other shows...but I will bet you 1'000 canadian dollars, you will NEVER and I mean NEVER find a show with A. A better stortline. B. A more gripping feel to it. C. A more "On the egde of you seat" feel. and D. A show where no matter what time it is, be it 3pm or 5am you CANNOT stop watching...unless like, its uber important. If you can find anything that condradicts me, gimme a link to it, and I will mail you the money. I super fucking serious... just do yourself a favor, go watch it...just do it.

Posted by betteratbrawl7777 - November 6th, 2009

For some reason, I have lost my ability to sit down and write, I find myself only able to write something weather its at school, or in a collab with someone else, be it Adam, Max, Zeek or Jake...Well, that can only mean one thing....Who wants to write with me?

:D...Well, whatever, I'm still happily waiting for my first flash to arrive, (Any day now) so...ya, also...I really haven't been on NG much, and I'm sorry to say, I'll be on less and less as time goes on...probably until December, now, don't get me wrong I'm literaly on NG 24/7, that is to say, my laptop is open, and on the page, but I seem to find myself coming back for minor reasons...

Well, I just wanted to let everyone know...that if you're a writer and want to write, I'm here...also, to the talented voices of the Final Fantasy Flash, please get your voices to Adam a.s.a.p. I would give you his e-mail, but its his and I'm not 100% sure if he wants it out for everyone to see...so, if all goes well, its still scheduled to come out on my Birthday...

Posted by betteratbrawl7777 - October 31st, 2009

This is totaly an opinion, it is in no way official, so don't say anything about it being wrong...

5-Stuttering Craig. site: Screwattack/Videogamevault

4-Linkara. site: Thatguywiththeglasses.com/Linkara

3-Spoonyone. site: Spoonyexpiriment.com

2-Nostalgia Critic. site: Thatguywiththeglasses.com

1-AVGN (Angry Video Game Nerd) site: Cinemassacre.com

Thats my opinion, how about yours?

Posted by betteratbrawl7777 - October 26th, 2009

Thats right, the Final Fantasy Flash that me and LordArashi888 are doing...will be turned into a DVD and will be available in the NG store, that is, when we finish animating...But don't worry, its not just the episodes, its gonna be JAM PACKED with bonus features! Not only will you get:

1. Every episode, with possible commentary!
2. In-depth interviews with Joseph (Betteratbrawl7777), Sam (Sorrygirl99), Max (Maxas), Zeek (Zookyman2) Adam (LordArashi888) and James (Darkjpa)!
3. A complete blooper reel! (With lots of line fuck ups)...
4. An ALTERNATE ENDING to Season 1!
5. An Extra Episode!
6. Complete Character and person Biographys!
7. Character Sketches!
8. A Sneak peek of Season two
9. Fanart by not only fans, but you might get to see my crappy art...!
10. A look back at how it all started with Joseph and Adam!
11. A link to other flashes the you might like by the people who are in this!
12. And a miniature episode or two!

There might be more, all I'm saying is, keep one eye open!

Posted by betteratbrawl7777 - October 23rd, 2009

Well, I'm done fixing episodes 1-15 which fill up the first season of our flash. So, I have sent everyone doing the project an e-mail that has every episode (1-15) If you didn't recive one, I don't have your e-mail adress...

Here are the titles at least...

Ep.1: 5 members +1
Ep.2: The monster of the cave
Ep.3: Raiders of the lost cart
Ep.4: It's all fun and games, until someone loses their memory
Ep.5: James, and the mountains of Fortune
Ep.6: A NEW member!?
Ep.7: Sam and Max's mission part.1
Ep.8: Sam and Max's mission part.2
Ep.9: Revenge in the elvin village...
Ep.10: Taylor's dirty little secret
Ep.11: Sewers and Dragons
Ep.12: The man on the other side
Ep.13: James' confession
Ep.14: Morganna!?
Ep.15: Grande Finale

So, ya...if your interested in doing a voice....yes, there are voices that we need...

If you want to see any characters so far check these out:

http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/lor darashi888/character-sheet-1
http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/lor darashi888/character-sheet-2
http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/lor darashi888/character-sheet-3
http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/lor darashi888/character-sheet-4
http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/lor darashi888/fff-battle-scene

EDIT: New Pic!

Also, I'm hoping to get Nakoruru for the voice of Morgan...we'll see I guess.

That all for now! ;)

Posted by betteratbrawl7777 - October 21st, 2009

Sorrygirl99-Voice/ "Editor in episode 8"
Drago3511-"Voice from episode 6 and up"
(Whatever James's account is)-"Voice from 1-5 and 8-?"

and yeah...so on and so fourth...I just wanted another post, to waste time.

Posted by betteratbrawl7777 - October 20th, 2009

Yeah, you may have heard...me and Adam are just about done the whole setup of going to fight the main villan in our Final Fantasy Flash. Well, what do we do then? Isn't it obvious!? Make another season! Now, you won't recognise the characters...cause they'll be ALL NEW CHARACTERS! 'Cept for Sam's...So, if you don't like the class you have, be sure to say something in advance...And I have total dibe on Archer By the way...So thats about all now...I'm just waiting for Adam to get back on so we can writ s'more... If anyone has any questions about the flash Season 1 or 2 I'll be happy to answer it...if possible...thats all for now.

Posted by betteratbrawl7777 - October 20th, 2009

Well, now that episode 7 is complete...(And episode 8 is being fixed as we speak) I'm running low on materials...mostly the script itself, thats right, the fixing process has come to a stop until me and LordArashi888 can get to writing again! But, the animating process is still 100% running.

Also, (Assuming LordArashi888 got my last PM) Episode 1 of our Final Fantasy Flash will be released ON MY BIRTHDAY! (Nov. 29) So, watch out for that, and plz, if you haven't already go to Maxas's page *Cough* SEAN *Cough*

Um...I've got nothing to do again, that sucks...Also, if you wanna do a voice for the series, check out my last post, I'll still be updating it, so don't forget to check there too.

I'm assuming I'll be able to start the writing/fixing process in about 8 days (Oct, 28) unless Adam's Damn boss screws us again. Lol jk I'm not that mad....I hope to get some stuff done that day...

Other then that, I have no idea for anything else I'm doing...Sprite...is my deathnote flash still a go? Greg...are we starting that anytimes soon?

While at my school today I'm met my best friend in 5th grade, and I gotta say, he's gotten a bit too damn cocky for my liking...mostly about Brawl. Tomorrow at school we're exchanging friend codes...I'm gonna try and shut him up. Wish Me Luck! ;)

School fucking sucks...'cept today...I met the girl of my dreams. I'm doing whatever I can to get her. She is currenty dating my best freinds friend, but he wants to break up with her... I really wanna go out with her. Once I tell you the name, I'll leave something in parenthesis, half of you will understand and go WTF and the other half will just go WTF. Her name is Sam (I know what ur thinking...no, not that one, and not for that reason) , she has blond hair and brown eyes. Shes really quiet...and INCREDIBLY clingy...thats why her bf wants to break up with her...but I wanna be her bf SOOOOO bad.

You may notice now, for the first time, its approved comments only. I have a reason for that. and WILL NOT, and I repeat WILL NOT answer why that is. Just letting you know.

At a halt...for the time being...